Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Distorted News Reports
I remember a story about a computer, I believe it was in
Newspapers, television and their extensions into cyberspace can only survive if the can pay the bills. To remain viable they have to make profits. Usually, they focus on the things that grab our attention quickly and draw us in and get us watching or reading advertisement. 26 years ago the lyrics from a song by Don Henly, Dirty Laundry. says it all:
We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who comes on at five
She can tell you bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
Its interesting when people die- Give us dirty laundry
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
Get the widow on the set! We need dirty laundry
Well, that was then. This is now. Much of the broadcast and print media seems to be cheerleaders for the take down of
"You know, I wanted to sit on a jury once and I was taken off the jury. And the judge said to me, 'Can, you know, can you tell the truth and be fair?' And I said, 'That's what journalists do.' And everybody in the courtroom laughed. It was the most hurtful moment I think I've ever had."
Maybe there is hope but only if we start to push back and reward, by increasing viewership of the news outlets that speak to truth. Let the manipulators of idea know why you object to their coverage.
The Pope is at it again
The Union of Islamic Communities in Italy—which Allam has frequently criticized as having links to Hamas—said the baptism was his own decision.
"He is an adult, free to make his personal choice," the Apcom news agency quoted the group's spokesman, Issedin El Zir, as saying.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Heart of 5 Year Old Soldier
A 5 year old can't really understand the full meaning of war and for that we should be grateful but if he survives this illness his toughness in dealing with it should enable him to face the world with courage.
Thank You John Kerry
You know, losing a presidential election certainly seems to cause Democrats to lose there minds. Jimmy Carter turned into a dictator hugger extrordinaire. Al Gore became Chicken Little and now Kerry thinks Obama is the poster child for overcoming American oppression. Just how much more success could he have expected?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Apply Occam's Razor
The above quote is relevant to consider when you read the following report published by NPR . It reports that since the study began in 2003, researchers have not been able to detect any increase on ocean water temps. This is after deploying 3000 sensor buoys. The report claims that "In fact, 80 percent to 90 percent of global warming involves heating up ocean waters." It goes on to state: "There has been a very slight cooling, but not anything really significant," How's that for convoluted logic. Any increase would have been presented as proof certain, but an actual decrease is "insignificant" They try to explain the failure to find what they expected as bad data or lack of understanding of the forces at work in the ocean. They don't seem to be able to recognize that the models they use to predict 20-30 or 40 years into the future might simply be wrong about global warming. I'd be happy if they could forecast next weekend correctly.
Update: The world has not gotten warmer for the last 10 years. See this.
Just what makes fear racism?
Now compare that to what Obama wrote in his book Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. (Comments by By Steve Sailer)
A careful look at this incident as Obama described it on pp. 88-91 of Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance shows that Obama is slandering his elderly grandmother to make Rev. Dr. Wright look better. Obama's white grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who was raising him and earning most of the money in the family while his own mother was off in Indonesia working on her 1067 page dissertation on peasant blacksmithing, rode the bus each morning to her job as a bank executive. One day, the 16-18 year old Obama wakes up to an argument between his grandmother and grandfather. She didn't want to ride the bus because she had been hassled by a bum at the bus stop. She tells him: "Her lips pursed with irritation. 'He was very aggressive, Barry. Very aggressive. I gave him a dollar and he kept asking. If the bus hadn't come, I think he might have hit me over the head."
If you compare Jesse's comment to what Obama wrote about his Grandmother I ask you which attitude is most shocking? When does fear become racism? What does it say about the life experiences that lead to 2 similar reactions from 2 very different people. To use his Grandmother as an example of white racisim that he had to face was totally out of line. It provided proof of nothing but his own selfish desire to do whatever it take to be elected.
UPDATE: Here is what he said today. Can he dig any deeper? "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know. . .there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way."
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Big Con
1. An effective con man convinces few unwilling victims. They use your own wishes, desires and beliefs to get you to buy into the con. The speech yesterday was just that kind of con. That is why I believe that the word "Icon" to describe him is so fitting. Except that it should be seen as a verb not a noun.
2. The messages that came from the church Obama has called his spiritual home is defended by many in the audience yesterday. Preachers that were interviewed after the speech said that there was much truth in the message that was the core of the churches beliefs'. If the hate filled preaching were done by
a conservative minister that John McCain called his "spiritual mentor" the Democrats could have won with Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Of course this kind of diatribe is apparently common in most churches according to Obama. Of course the only place of worship that I've ever seen where they Damn America
on a regular basis is a Mosque.
3. Others have pointed out that in spite of the strong distaste that Obama expressed yesterday for the divisive comments that he heard in the church he continued to bring his young daughters to the church as they formed the belief system that will be the foundation of there moral and spiritual lives.
4. He used several moral equivalency comments to defend his own beliefs. Wright damns America and Grandma was afraid of black men in Kansas. Ferraro
makes racist statements by saying Obama has benefited from the struggles of all that preceded him, giving him a historically unique opportunity. Wright says The US of KKK a has murdered blacks deliberately with AIDS and drugs. Somehow the comparisons fall short.
5. He totally ignored the greater ill that the core of the church he attends is it's Afrocenterist beliefs. These purely racist views have been cleansed from the church's web site just this week. They really are the elephant in the kitchen when it comes to his faith. No real MSM review of this has ever been shown as far as I know.
6. He portrays the struggle for equality has being rather one sided. The most monumental event in the process of bringing freedom to blacks not only in America but throughout the world was the Civil War. He mentions it but only in passing and in a group of other generic struggles. That war was the result of a growing recognition of the basic inhumanity of slavery. Abolitionist were whites that saw the injustice and pushed hard enough that eventual outcome was a terribly bloody war and the end of slavery. Since then slavery of blacks has all but disappeared for the planet except where it is practiced in Africa black on black. How ironic is that?
7. There was no direct mention of the TRILLIONS of dollars on the "War on Poverty", a plan designed by the guilt ridden white males of the early 60's to transfer tax money from productive taxpayers and companies to millions of people, disproportionately black, that resulted in generational poverty we still struggle with on a daily basis. What the government failed to see was that failure would only breed more failure. A wise man once told me. What gets rewarded gets done. Boy was he right.
8. Obama recognized white angst as a result of uncertainty. He mentioned jobs and health care. The blame he said lies at the feet of big business more concerned about profits than people. HMO's and insurance companies are the cause of ourmedical ills. It's not our fault. And let's not forget about the evil Ronald Reagan conservatives that have worked so hard to stifle progress on race relations.
9. There was no Bill Cosby moment. No call to blacks to get off your butt and start doing for yourself. I heard lots of victim talk but very little push for hard work and personal responsibility.
10. Bad education was portrayed as the root of many of the problem that needs to be addressed. This is the closest to something that I would agree with. I'm just not sure that the cause of the educational problems and the possible solutions he would support would be something I would find agreement with.
11. This is clearly being played as "final". I've answered that question and let's move on to more important problems. Taken directly from the Clinton playbook. If Hill or Big John have the audacity to bring this up again they will be made out to be racebaiters for sure.
I fear for our future. Not because a black man might become President. There are plenty of them that I would vote for, but because the strongest leader that has come out of the black community in maybe decades has no new vision. He is a victim of the past and his hope for the future is too colored by this vicitmhood. In a letter to Travis Smiley requesting that his wife be allowed to speak on his behalf at the 2008 State of the Black Union conference in New Orleans he said: "Tavis, this is our movement and our time. I look forward to working closely with you throughout this election. Thank you for your continued support". Full letter:
"Our movement and Our time". Not the quite the uniter from the news I've seen.