Sunday, February 01, 2009

Is this the Twilight Zone?

Sometimes I think I must be living in some kind of Bizarro world. Here is just a short list of difficult to fathom events in no particular order.
1 A tax cheat (Timothy Geithner) is confirmed for Sec. of Treasury.
2 A tax cheat (Tom Daschle) is nominated for Sec of Health and Human Services.
3 A religious leader (Rev. Joseph Lowery) insults 80% of Americans during inaugural prayer.
4 The President of the United States (Barak Obama) tells the Republicans "I won" so they should get in line.
5 The rehabilitation of the founder of the 60's terrorist group Weather Underground (Bill Ayers) has begun.
6 Global Warmer in Chief (Al Gore) testifies before Congress, telling it that the very survival of life on earth is at risk.
7 The Democrats want to borrow and spend over $1,000,000,000,000.00 to help an economy suffering from a lack of consumer credit.
8 The President of the United States (Barak Obama) gives his first public interview to Dubai-based Al-Arabiya.
The scariest part of all this is that the national press either ignores the implications or actually seem to play cheerleaders and prime defenders. Where we go from here is becoming even more frightening.


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