You Go Pope !!
I have read a great deal about the context and purpose of the Pope's comments about Islam spreading at the point of a sword. In the end it really doesn't matter what he said or who he quoted. What matters is how it was taken and how people, especially in the Muslim community responded.
So, how did the Muslim community respond? With burnings of Christian churches and the possible murder of a Catholic nun. Is this reaction a fair representation of the feeling of the majority of Muslims? It is hard to tell for sure because the lens of the news camera is very narrow but carries widely and makes all things bigger than life. When news reports show thousand of screaming people burning an effigy of the Pope it certainly seems to indicate a broad sense of hatred. The same response was seen after the publication of the Danish editorial cartoons showing The Prophet.
Is western society portraying the Muslim community as 14th century savages or are they simply reinforcing the idea with their intolerant reactions? I fear it is more the later than the former. A religion of peace that always seems to be at war with itself and all that surround it is an oxymoron.
Since the religion does not appear to tolerate a non-theocratic government to thrive in it should be a wake up call for all freedom loving people. Europe in particular should be very afraid of the consequences of the low birth rate of native populations as compared to the extremely high birth rate of the immigrant Muslim's. If you look at the problems a secular France has had to deal with in the last year, it is obvious that in just a generation the impact on the European culture could be irreversible. In many Muslim communities in the West there is a push to implement Sharia Law to replace civil courts. That alone should frighten the civil libertarian in most of us. The victory Muslim invaders could not accomplish in 200 years of war could be accomplished in a fews years because of indifference or worse, accommodation.
Regardless of our political or religious beliefs we need to deal with the world as it exists today not as it existed in the 14th century. We have worldwide travel and nearly instantaneous communication. Those that wish us harm can communicate their hate and plans at the speed of light. We need to use the same tools to insure our own safety. We also need to expect that immigrants to our country to join in making this a better place for everyone to live. We became the most powerful country on the planet be accepting and integrating wave after wave of immigrants seeking the freedom and opportunity America had to offer. It was not always peaceful but in the end acceptance provided the opportunity. We asked that they contribute and most have. It's worked so far but I'm afraid we are losing our way with all of the hyphened identities but that's a post for another day.
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